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 dostounix()             Convert Date and Time to UNIX Time Format

 #include   <dos.h>

 long         dostounix(dateptr,timeptr);
 struct date  *dateptr;                  Pointer to date structure
 struct time  *timeptr;                  Pointer to time structure

    dostounix() converts a date and time into UNIX format--the number of
    seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 (GMT). 'dateptr' and
    'timeptr' point respectively to a date and a time structure, both of
    which must contain valid DOS date and time information.

    The date and time can be obtained from getdate() and gettime().

       Returns:     The UNIX version of current time

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements produce a UNIX format time from the DOS date
    and time.

           #include <dos.h>

               long unixtime;
               struct date dosdate;
               struct time dostime;
               char *st_time;

               unixtime = dostounix(&dosdate,&dostime);
               st_time = ctime(&unixtime);
               printf("The date and time is %s\n",st_time);

See Also: ctime() getdate() gettime() unixtodos()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson